Lately, my life has been revolving around VSCode and Markdown. From writing this blog, updating my resume in Markdown and using Pandoc to convert it into a PDF format, to the usual development stuff as well as taking notes, I rely on VSCode for almost everything – and I prefer it that way.

With all the writing work that I do, a basic spell/grammar checker makes life quite easy. In comes vscode-ltex, which harnesses the power of While its free version may not seem as powerful as Grammarly, it find it quite adequate for my requirements. For more information including how to install for offline use (requires Java 8 or later at the time of writing this) or reap the benefits of LanguageTool Plus or other HTTP servers, please visit the marketplace. 😊


I have been using LanguageTool for quite a while now. From assisting with frequent typos (thanks, butterfly keyboard), grammar and a tad more advanced stuff, its free version seems to offer just enough writing assistance that I may need. I enjoy not having a toxic dependency over a tool like Grammarly on a regular basis, that seemingly offers comparatively sophisticated assistance on its free version.

Tip: You may find the editor to report language warnings that aren’t true. Simply closing and reopening the tab works wonders!

That being said, a bit more lurking around the VSCode marketplace revealed this unofficial Grammarly extension that you may find useful.